nieuwe collegaPaula stelt zich voor

Portretfoto van PaulaWe hebben een nieuwe collega! Paula loopt sinds begin maart stage bij ons. Dat doet zij vanuit haar opleiding stedenbouw aan de Weimar Universiteit in Duitsland. Hieronder stelt zij zich voor.

Hello! I’m Paula Keppke and for the next five months I’m going to support the MUST-Team as an intern. Originally, I grew up in Essen, which is quite near to the Netherlands, but a little more than two years ago I moved to Weimar to study Urbanism at the Bauhaus-University.

For the upcoming time, I’m hoping to be able to get a deeper insight in how ideas and designs are developed, and thus spacial change is set up and initiated. Gathering a lot of new knowledge and benefiting from the different perspectives on planning here in the office as well as improving my technical skills is also what I’m striving for. And not to forget: Exploring the city and immersing into this – yet – nearly unknown country.

I’m looking forward to all of the new experiences and also stimulating challenges that are to come!

Welkom Paula, leuk dat je er bent!

  • Veerle Simons
  • maart 2021